University Abuja Student Gives Birth in the Hostel by Herself

University Abuja Student Gives Birth in the Hostel by Herself

A student of the University of Abuja delivered a baby secretly in the school hostel by herself before medical help arrived.
A 200 level student of Banking and Finance gave birth to a bouncing baby boy all by herself without the help of her roommates or friends yesterday 25th of January, 2016, at the female girls hostel at the main campus (University of Abuja).

She delivered of herself a bouncing baby boy within the early hours of 3am to 4am.

Although she gave birth on her own without even her roommates knowing until the baby was out, she was unable to cut the placenta connecting the child to his mother.

The hostel portress was called, who after seeing the incident and couldn’t do anything about the placenta, later called the university school clinic nurse, who came with some medical equipment and ambulance an later cut the placenta and then took the child to the ambulance waiting outside the hostel.

The mother actually walked on her own without any help to the ambulance and then back to the hostel to get a flask of hot water after the school clinicians have attended to her and the baby. She was later discharged from the hospital that same day around 9am.

A neighb our who was a witness said:

"I was asleep when I heard some noise, by then my roommate who went out to ease herself came back shouting “somebody don born o!!! Somebody don born!!!” It was strange at first because for someone to give birth in the hostel was strange. We ran out to the next door where the event was going on but they locked the door, so we had to peep through the window. 

"The mother and the newly born baby were seated on the floor where her water broke. We called the portress who told them to put of the fan and that she couldn’t cut off the placenta. That was wen the school nurse was alerted. She came 10-15 minutes later and cut off the placenta. The patient walked to the ambulance herself and whole event ended by 5am."

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University Abuja Student Gives Birth in the Hostel by Herself
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